2.0 or Just Fashionable Evolution ?
Web business has a glimse of FASHION (people want new just to get new) - and for the smart (anti Yuppie) new generation of Startups (development companies) the initial cost of TAKING ON THE BIG ESTABLISHMENT IS VERY LOW. I have earlier been mentioning the Wunderkids from 37signals - with probably more users of their NO BRAINIER WEBSERVICES (not negative) in the SMB segment then Microsoft Business Solutions and for sure SAP. Not to mention
www.successfactors.com who have +1,5mio B2B users on their people management ASP solution ;) - BRAVO BINGO - go home Mr. Selfish SuperEgo EllisonCopy Salesforce.com.

Im fallow a bit in love with the hyped guys at
Shopify - who are smarter then the rest.
1) Shopify did a small friends and family round (Aug. 2005)
1A) - the founders don't take salary (
love it !)
1AA) - that gives them 12 more months
2) - they use free software (
Ruby, bit too hyped though
3) - they play the buzz game better then even Mcculley Culkin in the early 90´ies. Even without launching (could backfire - but better the being stealth for life ;)