morten lund
2.0 or Just Fashionable Evolution ?
Web business has a glimse of FASHION (people want new just to get new) - and for the smart (anti Yuppie) new generation of Startups (development companies) the initial cost of TAKING ON THE BIG ESTABLISHMENT IS VERY LOW. I have earlier been mentioning the Wunderkids from 37signals - with probably more users of their NO BRAINIER WEBSERVICES (not negative) in the SMB segment then Microsoft Business Solutions and for sure SAP. Not to mention who have +1,5mio B2B users on their people management ASP solution ;) - BRAVO BINGO - go home Mr. Selfish SuperEgo EllisonCopy

Im fallow a bit in love with the hyped guys at
Shopify - who are smarter then the rest.
1) Shopify did a small friends and family round (Aug. 2005)
1A) - the founders don't take salary (
love it !)
1AA) - that gives them 12 more months
2) - they use free software (
Ruby, bit too hyped though
3) - they play the buzz game better then even Mcculley Culkin in the early 90´ies. Even without launching (could backfire - but better the being stealth for life ;)
Online Video - Google Video
These clips:
Octo Eats Shark and
Ninja Monkey- is a good entertainment. Google Video is in my opinion a better service then the very hip and VC-topiced
Me an entrepreneur ?
Last week I found a
dream house - it was VERY VERY nice. I had no doubt that I just HAD TO OWN it. The area is AMAZING - the house is cool - and well I had no clue what I wanted to do with it but - well make a place for all the guests we have at LundKenner and maybe a small apartment for Lisa ?
But but but - this project suddenly got to my stomach - I was dreaming about it / and had semi night mares.... Very strange since I normally cant feel stress - and I used to using more money on WAY MORE RISKY INVESTMENTS - and I deal with a lot of stuff I don't understand (maybe everything I do)... ;) So yesterday I had to use the escape clause at drop it - damn I feel good that I did it. But yet again my inner entrepreneur is standing there on my shoulder with a 3fork shouting: "Chicken Chicken Chicken... "
Is this interesting ?
On The 4th of next month, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning,the time and date will be
01:02:03 04/05/06.That won't ever happen again in our lifetime. In fact it will be approx. 400 generations before it happens again. May the 4th be with you
"Just couldnt get enough"
Some time I just dont understand succesfull people - This guys was probobly billionaire - father - loved by his suroundings - playing golf with Gates and invited to Davos... And then he needed that extra billion ?
Former CA chief Kumar pleads guilty to fraud.
Our flashligth project - no words...
Empathy - to little or too much
I hav eno clue if I have too much or too little
Empathy - thats a paradox.
Smart, Clever or using a phone

Mr. Burkle said of his business philosophy: "You don't have to be smart. You just have to know enough to call someone who is smart." - a
from this interesting interview
IM = interesting media
Top IM Uses Among Teens Include:
To chat with family or friends: 92 percent
To gossip: 55 percent
To set up weekend or evening activities: 55 percent
To help or accept homework help from friends: 50 percent
To share photos: 47 percent
To play games with buddies: 46 percent
To flirt: 44 percent
To send celebratory wishes, such as Happy Birthday: 38 percent
To share files: 37 percent
To engage in social networking: 35 percent
Teen Interest in Future Features:
Live streaming television: 39 percent
Music on demand: 39 percent
Video on demand: 30 percent
PC to Phone VoIP calling: 24 percent
Phone to phone VOIP: 15 percent
The survey can be found at
Old school tagging

I admire Ecko - for being so spot on in the design - and I have to say that this
viral movie is a masterpiece
Small Viral Briallintees
This guy has my respeck - trying to trade upwards - starting with a
Red PaperClipAnd this guy who wnated a
threesome with his wife :)
Letter to my LundKenner Partners
WHY AM I ALL IN Im all in this because I love to see a little or medium idea becomming a flying swan - and the journey to get there... Personally I know Im probobly one of the best in the world - actually I dont even doubt - but I also know how endlessly week I am after the first kiss/touch.. As soon as the pattern of the deal I have in my head is reality I loose a bit of interest - not 100% but I just start to see how I can get my next high from identifying a new thing - a new idea - a new team of poeple (or an old) - a new structure .... I cant even express how humble and happy I am to be in a setup like the one we already have (thats suposed to take years) - I see 4-5 people who will just give their left ball to make this happen - to make good companies and HIGH PROFITS FROM THE TIME and NETWORK and money we invest. Promise me guys that you jump this if you suddenly get another real interest in life. since what we are about to do is not about working halftime or fulltime - hey realise its LIFETIME. And if anyones doubts - Ive chosen to do this with first Soren and then ALL OF YOU GUYS - so lets fucking be agressive like NO ONE ELSE - and demanding. (When the inner Demand to yourself is SKYHIGH - then the souroundings gets it !). Dear valued partners - I cant wait to see where we will go.
PROUD PORTEFOLIOI look at the stuff we have in our portefolio as an artcollection a carefully selected family - a part of me - that I want to be assosiated with. REALLY like a part of my personality - it BRANDS ME it is ME. BulLGuard ME - I am Maxthon - I am Wiseled - I tell people about it - and i act like I am Heleca.. Dear Partners if you have just a bit of emotions for any of the ventures we have - then dont hessitate to take all the hornor promote yourself for being part of it - BE FUCKING PROUD. Im proud of the team we have - really PROUD - and I cant wait to our next exit - where we can party and hug and be proud together - because we are in a DEEPLY RICKY business and failure is WAY MORE COMMON then SUCCES for our ventures - AND US. Dont start taking pills - but be realistic - this is extremely difycult and we will only survive if we BELIEVE IN IT AND STAY TOGETHER 100% for years.
HOW TO BEHAVEI want us all to be humble as hell - and hornest like hell - and gentlemen - really gentlemen who hold the door for women and startups and talent. I have this fantastic picture in my head of someone who offered me ligth (when I was smoking) and 2nd time one evening someone did I was always just positive to them (no matter if I even liked them or talked to them)... More important we need a system to follow up on OPPERTUNITIES - or to be more frank - to reject......(taken out not to be copied)
GOALSI want to
a) Make my mother and my wife proud of me - and disapoint as few people as posible !I
b) I want to have FUN - FUN and I want people to respect LundKenner and respect (be impressed by) our achivements and our ability to handle risk - and time after time turn risktaking into being lucky.
- Thats it folk. Dunno why I wrote this :)
I wish I had more time
The I would spend 1/2 days a week with this guy and his
company to develope Robots / first as toys then for jobs nobody should have 1) Parking guard 2) Cleaning in the "shit tunnels" under citys...

Since I have two pretty big financial service compnies now - I starting to get a bit into it - even though its hard - and a bit boring to me.
Always Nice
How can Nike do
such fantastic ads - year on year ? - god BrandManicure ;)
Google Video
Linus and I have a great time
watching plane and helicaopter videos - good stuff from Google...
BullGuard exploding

Maybe its a sign or maybe Im just lucky as always to have the VERY BEST PEOPLE around me - but the fact is that BullGuard has nearly doubled revenue since I gave the CEO title and the stearing wheel Heini (CEO) and to Theis (my co-founder). The people in Denmark, Romainia, UK are absolutely kicking ass and Im proud like a father!!!
Im very proud to take part in this VERY INTERESTING company -> Spearcast who launched the
Palora service. I really like the idea - and as always I go in with the best poeple - and Ive seen people as good as CEO Hannan
- the story is better told at
Nets blog - Net actually did the connection - and is on hell of a dealmaker.
My new company (structure)

I want to own the idea of Bubble3.0 - so now Im just sitting and waiting.
I love to deal in technology - and I want to become number one in the world at taking technology/products/idea to market (NOT VC, NOT INVENTOR). Soren Kenner - my partner in crime - has really given me the chance to go to next level - and actually provide a more consistent set of values to startups and growtht companies. So Im humble humble happy. (and still wondering why I write this shit - am I the version100 of super narcisists ?)
Computers making money
Dear valued reader - on my journey to complete independency (before dying) I´ve done something I promise NEVER to do again. I´ve invested in artificial intelligence used for predicting the stockmarket (soory again - I know it sounds like something nouveaux riche smalltimers does when they loose contact to reality - to become instant oldschool rich...) - but this things seems to work - and will enable me to fullfill a couple of ideological dreams beyond owning my own softice-machine :)
Read a bit on it.
Have a GR8 day - and dont loose the edge!
Greedy and Ethical
Ive found out that I think that very very good business people have a special combination of hidden greed combined with very high moral - weird to see these words together. But on the other hand - the best sportsmen (athletes)are also very greedy in they aim for metal made of gold...
Nice picture of a camera
Ho deos Bill make his Bills
Intersting - but a
little designed article..
Danmark - a joke
Dunno if this is funny for others then Danes - but for me its amazing. From CNN / COMEDY CENTRAL -
What wrong with Denmark
Today (for the first time in my life) I got my dick into the zip of my pants. I really cant recommend that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im crazy about NetVibes
Brilliant -> - now with tabs - I will do a big bet on this as the future of collaboration
Blogger goodbye ?
I love blogger and feel that I ow this compan something - but despite the insane money involved with mothership Google - the service get moore and more outdated and slow :( - so Im really thinking of leaving. Even more when I see stuff
like this from SixApart - and think about how easy it i to do.
Bubble 2.0 proof
Kids who get greedy is normally a proof for Bubbletime -
FaceBooks 2Bio hunt
Jimmy and Heini are talents

Borsens Nyhedsmagasin (Danish Forbes"wanna be") did their yearly 100 talents - and smartly selcted both BullGuard CEO Heini - and my friend (and Neo Ideo partner) Jimmy Maymann as hot shots ;). No wonder.