Skiing downhill - going maybe too fastIm getting a little afraid of the speed at LundKenner - my new venture. Well I hevent really released anything on yet / but yesterday I did change my email adress from BullGuard to LundKenner. And just after pleying (working with Soren Kenner) for only 5 months - get this feeling that the speed migth be a bit to agressive: BullGuard skyrocking, Maxthon hitting 50mio downloads, Play65 kicking ass, Gekko going bulistic, IIP, Haleca, Aresa going public.... Opening in Amsterdam, tel Aviv, Delhi, Beijing and soon Rio and hopefully Russia.... Mummmmmy Im not sure I know how to controle the skies.
Well it simple - not easy.
Sorry to waite your time - dear valued reader - with my worries.
(from Amsterdam)