I would love easymobile to become a succes - in Frank Rasmussen - we have one of those few REAL ENTREPANUERS - who we knew from 1991 when he came to the front door of his little IPS (Image) in slippers and "Nerd Helmet" as hair. He sold it - needless to say and builded one of the most famous MVNO's in Eroupe - making the companys traffic on the TELCO INFRA STRUCTURE - to important to loose for the parrent - and therefor was aquired by the same MotherCompany from where he rented/leased the minuttes :) - but that was 1999-2000 - and now he want to do it again. And Im not a believer in the project - but would LOE TO SEE HIM SUCCED. This chat funtion - though seems - a bit stupid ->