OOPS I DID IT AGAIN - read a book
Velfærdyngel by Ole Schouenborg
I normally don’t read book's - it's become a whole part of understating my self - just a bit - like I always say in public (and maybe it true) that i have a VERY SMALL PENIS. It's kind og funny to be with VERY CLEAVER PEOPLE - and see their reaction - after a long discussion/debate about IT/Social politics/ Welfare/ Economics... And when they suddenly want to be intellectual - and test me - I always just tell that I don’t read book. It gives some people a really hard time - and maybe me to :) ENOUGH SAID. I read this VERY GOOD BOOK - .. It's is about the new generation of parents - and all the strange thing one starts doing and thinking - anco a little WONDERFULL BABY POPS OUT.