morten lund
I was at a wedding today
It was at Frederiskberg RĂ„dhus, very fast but yet pretty fast romantic :) - I filmed it with my
Qtek phone
Startup Factory -a raw version of Regus
The hardcore medialoving super entrepaneur Klaus Riskjaer has initited this great ide
Swap it all
Off course it had to come -
Peer-to-Peer TV via RED HERRING
BullGuard 5.0
Now we are on track with BullGuard 5.0 and it rocks. Its not only what we all dreamt of as a piece of Security Software - that everyone can use - peple also buy it heavily.
BullGuard on
Our new version 5 is now live on Amazone
Software: BullGuard 5.0 Suite
This is strange -
Making a List - like old school comic strip made in text...
I would love to hav emore time - to go deeper into all the business oppertunities in Overture and Google - like this
Suggested Google Alphabet from one of my favorite blog at the moment
Inside Google
I just got WiMax
!!!! It will change the world - forget about cables.
Also this is interesting -
Flarion Technologies they are launching with Nextel in US.